
Friday, April 4, 2014

Happy to keep going...

Hi from us. This little man is my full time companion and its really cool.  Whats going on around here  you might ask . For me its being a mom that's number 1 . So yes making lunches for my kids and getting to school on time and making all of our swim team practices also on time. Making dinner for 6 or 7 people depending who is home and I do keep up on the laundry so its not such a big deal. I honestly love it all. I really do. With that I feel that having things I am super passionate about really helps. I love taking art classes and I gift myself the ones I can because they keep me excited and I share my classes with my daughter Isabella and she is great at them so I always have an art buddy.
 Daring Adventures in Paint and Life 
starts tomorow this is a workshop by Mati Rose
It looks like its going to be a blast . This picture was taken at her studio in San Francisco . I was able to attend a work shop she hosted and Mati has a beautiful spirit. So I am excited to take this class for the next 6 weeks.  You should check it out. Its a great way to keep life exciting. I feel if your always taking care everyone else you have to take of yourself so you can do your job with a smile. Whatever your job may be. I love having something to look forward to that is for me. I like that my kids can join me or just see how passionate I am about it. This keep me happy to keep going.

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