Monday, February 27, 2017
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Saturday's training run
Friday, February 10, 2017
My Lake Hodges 50 miler race report
I woke up 5 times the night before the race and the last time I woke up I yelled, " oh no I missed it I over slept." My husband kindly told me it is 4 am. I think you're ok. I was nervous because even though I was excited to be a part of such a great event I decided to run it last week so my training could have been better. I know that I would have benefited from doing a couple back to back long runs but I needed just think about the training I have been doing and remember how well I know the course.
I got to the race 30 minutes early and got my bib #245 got a hug from the race director Paul (awesome human ) then before you know it we where off. Right on time.
A couple things I loved about this race. The weather was perfect perfect. I wore a short sleeve running shirt and shorts. I didn't need gloves and I was not hot or cold . It was perfect. The trails where perfectly clean because of all the rain we have been having and everything was green. I felt great at the start. I was running 11 min miles and just stayed at that pace. I met new people and had some fun conversations. I was excited because the Trail Crashers where hosting an aid station 15/35. ( I get to see my friends twice) and just knowing I get to spend all day running this amazing course Paul set out for us how could I not be happy.
The sun came out briefly and it was mostly over cast. (perfect running weather) There was also an aid station every 5 to 10 miles fully loaded. The aid stations had everything you needed. The course was so well marked (thank you Paul) I felt good and happy most of the time. The hardest miles for me where 43 to 49. I was just tired and my tummy was not happy. I also know that if I would have dome some back to back long runs I would of been mentally better prepared for that I am tired feeling and my body would of pushed a little harder.

This was just a great day. I wanted to do better than I did in 2015 . I ran it 10 minutes faster and this is weird but I felt like I was going faster than 2 years ago. The difference is I ran at a consistant pace this year. Instead of running walking I kept it under 12 minute miles for most of the race. Baby steps

The course is awesome. I was talking to this lady I was running with and she told me she does this race every year and the thing that bothers her is there is to much running on this course. I thought about it for a while and I think what she meant is that its a flat course. I love it ! I love the running part of this whole situation. I loved seeing so many familiar faces and the volunteers are just so good to us runners. I felt like yes the race director likes us he is making sure this race goes of with out a problem and thats what it felt like.

I was so happy to be done. My finishing time was 9 :45 thats my 50 mile PR. A huge Thank You to Paul Jesse for putting on an excellent race. The voluteers for taking great care of the runners and my running group The Trail Crashers I love them there support makes me try harder and my husband for coming with Jack to the race.