
Thursday, April 6, 2017

It was a great day !!

The Wild Animal Park. The news lately is so sad that I am going to get back here and focus on the positive. Today my dad jack and I went to the on a mini adventure to the Wild animal Park. This was the first time he went on the Merry Go-round with out being afraid. Kids grow up really fast and having four I am constantly reminded that this life of mine is a gift and it is not going to last forever so I try to find the story in of each day. Today's story was watching my dad and Jack hanging out together. Jack asking my dad ," grampa why is your white ?" My dad trying to get Jack to share his ice cream by taking some when Jack was not looking . The way Jack asks my dad a bunch of questions about the animals? Questions like ," Do the big animals poop ?"  I try and take these moments in and then I hold them tight because they are the stars in my sky. THE BIG moments are in the little pieces we choose to hold on too..

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