So ,last night I took out my paper crafting goodies..I made this layout with the kit from the Pink Ninja addicts kit called Dont get it twisted..go here to look..
I know it simple but its so freaking cute..I thought to myself as I was scrapping this...Gloria why haven't you used yarn to spell words out before...Hello how easy and how cute is that idea...I am sure lots of people have done this but I missed it...OK lets just say... I love it..The kit was adorable.I made a couple heart punches and glue dots ..I did sew the yarn down in some places too...The colors are yummy and Happy..Good stuff..
Here is my self portrait for today..I did it myself as soon as I finished my run so its blurry ..But can you tell I am happy..I had a great run and I've been doing all my marathon training but guess what I only had McDonald's once this that's pretty good for me ..specially if you knew my record...I hope you get to go outside this weekend and have a great Saturday..Oh have you seen the movie couples retreat...if you havent its a super good and funny movie..I recomend it....
Friday, February 19, 2010
Late Friday night..stuff
I cant believe that's its Friday and that its 4 days since I have looked at my lonely blog..I miss you Mr. blog so here whats going on in my world...First I am amazed that its almost march..I feel like were running on fast forward..I had crazy busy week..First my daughter went to her first formal..It was really exciting to talk to her about her dress and do her hair..My sister in law did her makeup and it was beautiful..I cant believe how fast time goes.My little girl is at formal..Oh.. I let her drive my car too..just on our street and she was pretty good.I mean if the theme is accept she is almost 16 Gloria!! I guess its OK...
oooh! i wanna see couples retreat! i love that layout and what you did with the yarn....i haven't attempted that yet! i've been visiting your blog and playing the music while i scrap all I've been keeping it company while you've been gone!
I love this layout!!! The yarn spelling is genieus! Have a great rest of your weekend :)
holly moley miss gloria!!..this layout is amazing!!!!...the yarn spelling is magical!!!...i will have to try this at home!!! it!!..have a happy weekend!!!
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