Sunday, March 21, 2010
Oh, on this Sunday I have thoughts..
I woke up very happy today..I love this Sunday..I feel like Freckle face strawberry..Have you read this book..Its a children's book that's about a little girl who has red hair and freckles lots and lots of freckles..people made fun of her and she tried to get rid of them..well then she hid them ..which led to her loosing herself..well it has a happy ending..she grows up lives happily ever after...ohhhh!!! how I love this makes me happy, happy ,happy. First of all I love love red heads...I love love freckles and stories of girls who get lost trying to be something there not only to find that YES they were good enough ....freckles and all....Ohh so perfect....(by the way I just want to share that I bought this book for me,because sometimes I need to read something cute and simple with a happy ending , you know boy ,girl ,kids and love..) even with my relationship status I have to say it will be happy and in love with kids and it will include a boy....
So, today I woke up and decided that I wanted to bake...OK ,well in Gloria's world..I don't know how to bake so I box and bake...Hey ,that works for me...Well what did I box 'n bake today...
Does that not look so terribly yummy...card board boxes that say add water ,oil and eggs...Well they turned out super duper yummy...half the fun is the orange bowls ..(i love orange) chocolate in an orange bowl...perfectly delightful....
Then add the perfect coffee cup..That's what I had this morning...and I wanted to share...That for breakfast today I had chocolate fudge brownies with coffee...
Have a wonderful Sunday...make brownies have some coffee and Just be you...because in all actuality or as tell myself everyday....In the real world my real world I am enough and so are you...perfect to love ..perfect to be loved..
Life is my world and yes I am happy today and I hope you are too....and if you're not feeling it...go below and listen to the very groovy song and dance.....and make a box of brownies..Ohh and if you need another groovy song go here and tell yourself before you click I will do as kolleen says....Happy Sunday my friends....
Gloria, I am so happy you are in such a great place! You are such an amazing friend and deserve all the happiness in the world. Brownies and coffee are great for breakfast, and no matter how they are made (from cardboard or a from scratch) you put that love into making them for your kids and that is what is important.
Happy yo see you happy ;) We had muffins that Xaver made this AM. Any baking is good!! Nothing beats warm brownies straight from your oven.
As a freckle-face myself, I'm not sure I like the books which with begin with the premise of hiding freckles- EVEN when the moral turns that idea around. Freckles (and redhair) rock ;)
i just love you!!!
i loved looking at your wonderous sunday morning...and coffee and brownies sound like heaven to me right now!!!!
and i can totally relate to why you went and bough that book for you...something about simplicty and's just GOOD!
sending lots and lots of love to you sweet friend,
Gloria -
i am so inspired by children's books. thanks for posting this. i will definitely have to pick this one up.
my heart is beaming to hear you say you are happy. i'm glad there is some sunshine for you deserve every bit of happiness. love you. xo
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