You take a map that has your actual city on it . The map below has were I was born and the city I live in..Cool hu..
and take a picture of it..I put a heart around mine with white paint. Carrie just went all out with hers. I have to tell you that's one of the coolest things about Carrie and I and out friendship we love the same things but our creativity is totally different. I love that we create UN- alike.So what now.. You have to wait until Monday to see what Carrie came up with..Its so cool. So take picture of a map of were you live and then come back Monday for Carrie mini present she is making for us...Have a great Friday and just keep smiling...
ooooo! i am lovin this idea...especially since almost EVERYONE i love lives away from me..
i.m off to find a map...
i love you.
i don't even know how to say this....i just love the close-up of your map with the is going to make someone smile really big to get it in the mail : )
<3 Carrie
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