
Saturday, September 3, 2011

My first 50K..not so much

We rode up the night before to Malibu. It took us about 3 hours and that is pretty good considering it was a Friday night and we had to go through down town Los Angeles. I drove on the way up and my dad and Jeff, one of my dearest friends husband came with us`. My dad is my cheerleader and Jeff is training to do a 50 milers so this was a great training run for him. We all decided that we needed to get some dinner before the race and that any place would do. upon arrival we saw a cocos ...Hey that works we all said...I drove up to the restaurant and when I stepped out of the car I felt this heat..How hot is it we all said to each other ? When we walked in we found out it was 90 degrees at 9 pm.. I thought to myself holy cow how hot was it here today...I asked the waitress and she told me it was well over 100...
Not what you want to here the night before your big race.. How hot will it be tomorow I kept thinking...

I woke up at 4;30 am to get ready and shower and find coffee...I had this dream the night before that I could not find any coffee so I really wanted coffee...Guess what ..The fine establishment that I chose did not have coffee...I guess I was lucky they had a clean room...but it was 3 miles away and that leaves me no chance of getting lost in the morning..Here I am at 5:30am..30 minutes before the big start...

We took of and started running up a huge hill called the Bull Dog..I was OK for the first 15 miles ..I did them in OK time and even though it was getting hot I felt I had the will  to power though anything. I was wrong...My dad met me at mile 15 and said are you going to do another loop princess? I said yes...and of I went up Bull Dog Mountain..OK here's the deal.. You cant run up bull Dog mountain unless your Amazing...most people walk..Its rocky and straight up hill for mile after mile.. I mean about ten miles of rocky, rough terrain,Very steep up hill... I found myself suddenly not so OK...

The starting elevation was 547 ft.the gain was 1950ft. The max was 2434ft.
It was hard..I can honestly say that the last 4 miles are about the hardest thing  have ever done...
I hated it..I did meet this guy named Rudy and he helped me stay OK an kept me going..I hope I helped him too..It was so hot and I felt so tired that even turning on my music seemed like to much work..I love music so I knew I was in a place that I really had not fond myself before...DONE
My feet and hands were so swollen and my toes hurt so much..

I did come across this wonderful Unicorn some people said coyote..Nope ts a unicorn..Then I thought about my scarf sisters and how much I loved them and my peeps waiting for me at home and I told myself lets just get some help and you will be OK G..

I dont look happy here... I was not happy..I was hot and I just coudnt stop feeling like  why am I doing this to myself..So even though I tried I did not finish or as they say conquere Bull Dog Mountain..guess I am ok with that because I thought was going to die.. I wont try to finish this race in the past...


Valerie said...

Bravo for listening to you body. You are so strong and brave and wonderful!

patty said...

Gloria, I thought about you in that heat - so glad you decided to stop!! (And that you thought about your SCARF SISTERS!!)