
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Here I am...

A friend once told me that the girls I paint are me. I did not really think so but in this case yes its me. This girl was inspired by Daniel . Here I am today taking care of my little boy Jack. He is so cute and such a great baby. I love taking care of my kids . I always thought that I was supposed to have something to say when people asked me what I do. I always felt like if I said I am a a mom that would be a let down. I am so over that. Now  when people ask me what do all I want to say is I am the mother of four children. At this point in my life nothing seems as important as showing up for swim practice , making breakfast for my kids before school and even waking up multiple times in the middle to feed Jack is something I am enjoying. I know that time just flies and before I know it my kids will be grown so I am trying to enjoy as much of it as I can. 

Here I am.
I like this paining. I look like I am thinking about  where I am right now. I feel really lucky that I have these little people that need me.. and that I need with all of my heart. I feel like I am showing up in the parts of my life that I really need to be. 

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