
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

The Last Step

This picture says it all. Its crazy that up to mile 93  I was relatlvly doing ok. Its crazy what those extra 10 miles can take from you.  My recovery is going well. Everything feels like its back to normal except my feet. The recovery of running 100 miles with broken sesamoid bones I think is going to be slow. I am trying hard to be patient and not run. (holy cow its hard ) I have been thinking about the experience as a whole.
 It felt like a movie. Time does that it goes by really slow but then really fast and next thing you now all you have is a picture postcard memory in your brain. I do feel forever changed by running Western States. I feel more whole like the story in my life  has a really good chapter now  that I wrote in it.
Finishing was a group effort I could of never done it alone. It takes a village to run a 100 miles.
The one I did manage to do the entire time was stay positive. You know the saying a A negative mind will never get you a positive LIfe !!!

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