
Monday, September 5, 2016

Saturday's Story

This Saturday I was supposed to wake up at 4:30 am to get ready and be out the door by 5am to make our Saturday morning run. I did not hear  my alarm and I totally over slept. (bummer)
fortunately my girlfriend spent the night and she woke me up at 5am. I hurried my butt and we where in the car driving to the mountains by 5:10 am . I did not have anything to eat except for a cup of coffee. 
We made it there by 6:40 and lucky for me everyone was running late and the whole group was still there. The SURF group  and The Trail Crashers both started in the same place. We ran 21 miles. It was the first loop of The Cuyamaca 100k. I was really tired the entire run. I had already put in 60 miles on my feet for the week but I really needed to get on the course and get some miles in at altitude. OK so I totally sucked and it was hard. My legs felt like heavy logs. The kind you have to pull behind you. I even thought about hitch hiking back but I was honestly so happy to be out there. I don't care that I was in the back I do feel bad that everyone had to wait for me but my friends where there waiting. Happy to see me every time I caught up to them so they could continue running. If I had any kind of direction savvy I would lead the slow group. Oh wait I would be the only  one in it for the most part.
There really is nothing better than hanging out in the mountains with a bunch of people you admire. I feel that running in the mountains is a place where you can put away all the hats we have to wear as adults and just be free. A bunch of free adults running up and down the mountain with no cares in the world. We ended up running 21 miles and 9 where up hill. One of us saw a mountain lion (not me ) I got almost 40 thousand steps in for the morning. (so cool) I got to hang out with my friends all morning oh and please let me not forget one very special friend jumped out of the bushes and made a noise like a lion and scared the everything out of me. 
We will all be running Noble Canyon 50k in about 2 weeks. Wishing everyone an awesome week. 

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