Wednesday, March 3, 2010
mini-vacation in Boulder Co..
I ended up flying to Boulder instead of driving..long story but that works for me..This is what it looks like as your driving from Denver to this sweet little town..Its so pretty here..I do love this town. It lived here for about 5 years and it was very good to me. I had a baby here met one of my best friends ever here. I started running here and I was introduced to the outdoor life here..
My reason for coming was so that my x husband could spend some time with our kids..They miss there dad a- lot so I really wanted them to be with him..It felt important, really important to me. So, here I am...and hey, I do love this town so its a mini vacation too...
Here I am sitting at Pearl Street mall..Its the prettiest outdoor Mall I have visited..Its cold here but there is a-lot of sunshine..
There are all sorts of street merchants here...Like the guy who will heal you of anything..even something you might not know you have...There are massage tables set up outside and hot dog stands and fortune tellers and lots of live music...Its magical here for sure..
Here they are my kids with there dad..Christopher needed his dad ..big time..He was so happy to see him at the airport he cried...I know..sad hu..but the good thing is I am here and there both happy to be with there dad and that's all that should count right now..
oh sweetheart.
you have a GIANT heart.
most people wouldn.t be as brave or as wonderful as you are.
you are honestly the BEST mama i know.
good job.
i am so proud of you.
you are such an example to me.
Colorado looks good for you, you look gorgeous!! i love colorado too =) have a good trip
Miss G!! looks sooo beautiful in Colorado!!..probably because you are there. you look adorable!!..and your kids look so happy!!!...Your awesome!! ya!!
looks just perfect there right happy you are enjoying your time there!!! miss are so beautiful!
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