Muddy Buddy..That sounds like a bud in the mud..That could be fun or not..That's how it happened. A friend asked me to do this race for a friend of hers and because in all honesty I stink at saying no..and i theory I want to help out and I do love races I said yes.....OK so 2 days before the race I agreed to do it...Saturday was our long run day and this was a LONG one...and Sunday was the race ..So I ask my friend Cathy who knows me well and will always pick me up for just about any race because she hearts me and also because I used to have a really hard time getting up early so she would make sure I got up on time...sweet friend hu..So this race was no exception she was here at 5:30 am ready to off we went ..are you wondering why I am telling this story ...this is why..I must have complained for 30 minutes about how I was tired and didn't want to do this race in the car on the way up there..I was being a pain in the butt..then fell asleep and I felt better but my friend just heard me out and let me be yucky me..I really appreciate that...I felt really blessed to be able to show her this side of me and have her be so supportive...Thanks Cathy..You really helped me out this Sunday...
I am glad I said yes and did the race.. Reason one it forced me to do a mountain bike race and I was so scared to get on the bike...but I didn't fall and I was just fine ...Reason two .It forced me out of my comfort people and obstacle stuff...reason Three...I made new friends..Devan and Brett the cutest husband and wife I have met..good people...OK well have a great day....oh and we placed too...
Gloria, I'm really glad you found some good reasons for doing the thing you didn't want to do, but from my perspective, the best reason is right here on your blog - these photos are absolutely priceless, my dear!! You can tell the story years from now to your grandchildren and have the photos to back you up. Way to go!!!
Miss G, you are just freaking awesome!!!....i admire you so much for doing runs like these!!..i know i could never do something like this!! and with all that mud you can still see all of your beuty!!..inside and out!! rock!! happy tuesday
ohhhh hot girl in the mud::::
So love this, you are an amzingly strong brave woman- id get stuck on an island with you anytime!
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