
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I am now 38..

I had a birthday...and now I am 38..I had a-lot of plans for my birthday and well some on them just did not happen...It was still a great day....
Look at what I got...a yummy doll...I oh so so love her...I named her too...I am so happy with her that I took her all around town with me today...oh I named her Lillie Octopus. I know hu...a little weird but I like it...The adventures of Lille Octopus...can you see that ....

The other thing I have been doing this week is having dessert with every meal...chocolate cake..chocolate mousse pie....chocolate fudge fudge Sunday....Thank you for all the amazing birthday wishes....I feel so special...Thanks


Sarah Mullanix said...

LOVE the doll, she's adorable! Glad you had a fabulous bday!!

Christina said...

Holy cute doll!! Love the name too.

Go buy some new sunny-s... and don't forget to post pics =D

Kolleen said...

oh yes....i can absolutely see "The Adventures of Lillie Octopus"!!!

LOVE it!!!

so happy you had a good birthday....i was sending you big hugs and loves....hope you felt it!!!

love you G

Mindy Lacefield said...

oh happy birthday gloria...i ADORE blythe dolls!!! they are just so darn cute. i am so happy you got one. i don't have any yet but am always admiring everyone's photos. what, love, love you!

Denise said...

And what a beautiful 38 you are!

Kelly Massman said...

My birthday was May 19--45!!! :-) Happy birthday a little late!!

patty said...

Oh, I love that you got a doll - how fun is that!! Who says you have to be a kid to play with dolls anyway? Can't wait to see the adventures of Lillie Octopus!! Love that melting ice cream shot, and you go girl with the desserts. After all, you'll run it all off anyway, right? Love you and happy, happy 38th - still sooo young!!

K8 said...

oh happy belated bday! May this year be filled with wondefully yummy surprises!