My first 50K

Yes, I am checking things of my bucket list..
Do you have a bucket list ?
This is how my bucket list works..
First I don't really show mine to anyone because there are certain
things I need to keep mine until I am ready to make them happen
I have my before I turn 40 list.
That's next year so I have to get my butt moving on this.
So I wanted to share two things I am crossing off this year that I made happen.
This part is important to me too. I have to make it happen for myself.
It has to be 100% all me.
First thing is I am going to Squam in the fall..
I am so excited I guess it feels to me like I made it to the Boston Marathon
of Art Retreats. I don't know anyone that's going and the reason that is important to me
is because You know the saying do something that scares you everyday.
I think its true. I believe if I go alone it will stretch my character and I will grow.
I will have to make new friends and just that thought alone. That I will meet new and creative woman , Brings a huge smile to my face. Its all the things that going alone with no one to rely on to say hello to someone first but just myself that scares me in a good way. I kinda feel like Yeah G . There was a time when I would never do this now I am signed up and on the lay away plan to Squam..Oh and Kolleen guess what..I am taking Pixies class. Only because I could tell in Oregon when you spoke about her how much you admired her so I got her class. I figure if you like I will too.
Next thing is I signed up to do my first 50K..
Ok so on my bucket list is to run 50 miles before I turn 40 and 50k is only 33 miles so this is my baby steps..Towards that.I would like to put it out there that I cant run really fast but I can go for a long way at 9 minute miles. That's what I would like to do but since its a trail run it will probably take me longer.I met this lady during a run right..She was 50 something and a totally Bad ass runner. She had a tattoo that said eat run sleep on her calf. Her name was Maggie. She is an ultra runner and I was talking during a race she was listening to me. She told me that the Bulldog 50K is hard and not to do it for time but just to try to finish it. Yeah I was thinking the same thing I told her. I am excited to just experience the race. I am excited for the story I will have after its done and hello the pictures...Things that worry me about dong it is I still have not found the right sun block..It will be like how many age spots can I get in a day sort of thing if I don't find the right sunblock.. Oh well...
Back to my bucket list..
I wanted to share with you some of my life stuff..
Ok so if you have a bucket list and you want to share with me I would love to hear from you.
Have a great wed ..
Wow! That is so inspiring! I am pretty active and just getting into running. I am 40 and going to do the Warrior Dash in August! That is going to be a HUGE accomplishment for me! One of my other items is to hike Mount Blanc in France. :)
Have a great weekend!
That IS in inspiring! I have a list somewhere and you have reminded me to dig it out and see how I am doing!! ☺
YOU totally inspire me G!!
i guess i should have a before 40 list too....since we are both hittin that mark next year.
i am proud of you for going to squam and going it alone....brave baby brave!!!! you will make many many friends....no doubt about it!!!
loving you mucho!!
Gloria you are AMAZING!!!
I love that you keep these list and check things off of them when you complete them. I make a dream list every single year of my most wild and crazy dreams, as well as some not to farfetched but a dream nonetheless. It is really fun to go back and se that some of the things on them have come true :0)
I love that you are taking the leap and attending squam. You will meet many beautiful creative souls. Rock on my brave friend!
And all of these miles of running, my goodness you are such an inspiration to me.
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