
Friday, February 19, 2016

Happy Weekend

This past week Jack and I and my dad went on what turned out to be a very long hike. It had been raining the day before so I thought the weather would be nice. We went out to Lake Poway and the plan was to walk the 2.7 mile loop. I brought 1 bottle of water and my plan was to walk and carry Jack. 
We ended up walking for about 5 miles but it felt like way more. Some how we took a wrong turn and it was so hot. I felt so bad for Jack but the positive side was I carried him most of the way.  We played his favorite song over and over on my phone and some how even though we where melting we made it. The highlights of our hike were Jack yelling at his grampa to run and my dad running and hiding. Then jack coming around the corner only to clap when he found my dad. It was so cute. 
I was proud of my little man for powering through this hike. I was so proud of myself for carrying him most of the way .. Next time I will check the weather but we did have a great time.. Now its time to go to bed as you know tomorrow is Saturday . My favorite day of the week because its my long run day in the mountains with my friends.. Happy Trails 

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