It started here on this road. I had a double stroller and a dream..The dream was simple to establish a healthy habit in my life. I was a little over weight but I had a baby that was about 6months old I could say it was still baby weight..what was really wrong was I was home way to much. I was mommy 24/7 and I had an unhealthy relationship. i knew I needed something that and I was looking for it..I was home watching TV..and Oprah was talking about how to form a habit. She stated that if you did something 21 days in a row you it became a habit...shortly after she talked about how jogging everyday really helped her with her stress ..Oprah I am sure has hard core stress but hey I wanted to test it out. Did I have what it took to actually develop a healthy excises routine..Why not I thought. I started with a double stroller walking 30 minutes hard...In about 10 days I went to 40 minutes and in 21 days I was jogging 5 miles..very slowly but I was there...It worked I became a runner and I developed a habit that has give me happiness and all it asks me is to wear good shoes..It is my happy place and it stays with me. So visiting this beautiful place reminded me of how important it is to dream ..
Thursday, August 27, 2009
My passion started here
It started here on this road. I had a double stroller and a dream..The dream was simple to establish a healthy habit in my life. I was a little over weight but I had a baby that was about 6months old I could say it was still baby weight..what was really wrong was I was home way to much. I was mommy 24/7 and I had an unhealthy relationship. i knew I needed something that and I was looking for it..I was home watching TV..and Oprah was talking about how to form a habit. She stated that if you did something 21 days in a row you it became a habit...shortly after she talked about how jogging everyday really helped her with her stress ..Oprah I am sure has hard core stress but hey I wanted to test it out. Did I have what it took to actually develop a healthy excises routine..Why not I thought. I started with a double stroller walking 30 minutes hard...In about 10 days I went to 40 minutes and in 21 days I was jogging 5 miles..very slowly but I was there...It worked I became a runner and I developed a habit that has give me happiness and all it asks me is to wear good shoes..It is my happy place and it stays with me. So visiting this beautiful place reminded me of how important it is to dream ..
I missed my blog..
I have been doing a-lot..The most exciting thing is I cut my hair..short..I love it, I feel free and excited and ready to start moving things around. I have been traveling and running in a place that's so pretty and taking lots of fun pictures..I put most of them on flicker.I also started a new on line class..Have you heard of it...Mondo and Beyondo..all I can say is I am dreaming and dreaming big..working hard not to get get caught up in the drama of my own life. I am just trying to understand that I am in an uncertain place in my life...(uhhu..)
but I know what lies ahead will be good...
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Pictures from Idaho
Monday, August 17, 2009
Flying with kids can be rather challenging. I understand that as a kid it must be hard to act like a grown for so long . - I am in los angeles airport waiting for our next flight to idaho and it's been fun. Maybe it's harder for my kids to fly with me as the adult. Let's see we stood in the wrong line for an hour and then I forgot our two carry ons and just went on my way untill I noticed I was missing two bags. We ran back and got them so I just realized my poor kids. Maybe it's harder for them than me.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Americas Finest City had perfect weather...
I could not have asked for more perfect running weather than what we were blessed with this morning...I got all my stuff ready and was out the door 10 minutes late witch is on time for me.(I am working on that) so I was in a hurry and there was lots of traffic to get there because its Sold Out...but I make it and my dad is freaking out because he has been there waiting for me for about 30 minutes expecting to miss the bus because of me...I have never missed the bus that takes you to the starting line but come close way to often....( I am working on that too..) actually so close I am almost always on the last bus..
So even though I haven't started running my adventure has already started. I hand my dad his bib in the middle of the road because that's were he is waiting for me..He runs to the bus I go park and I run to the bus with about 4 other female runners who are also a little late...We make it and were off...about 6:50 we arrive and hit the Porta-potties ...The line was to long so we didn't get to use the bathroom..(not so good for later) So ,I decided that since my dad was given the opportunity to run this race by a really cool fast running Buddie I have who decided not to do the race but didn't mind giving my dad his bib to use that I was going to run with him the whole is something about running .It really does not care how old you are if you train properly you can get pretty fast...My dad is 60 and I am 37 and he can keep up with me just fine...Sometimes he smokes me...( i love that) He trains hard and it shows...So the gun goes of and we start...The first 7 mile were totally chill...We just kept our pace and ran together.Than I needed to use the potty. I kept thinking I must have to use it at some point so I stop tell him to just keep going both of us knowing that I probably wont see him again and my dad thinking I am going to beat her..ha ha..I stop and look in the bathroom and decide I cant use this thing ...not today I go on my way and have a xxx caffeine gel..It gives you energy for real and I have to catch to my dad so I go and yup the hills are next...I love hills when I run because I like working hard it just makes me feel good to run up the hill. I like hills...Mile 11 I see my friend who ran with me for a little bit and that totally just brightened up my day..Now I have like 1 mile to and no sign of my dad so I go all out for me ( i am not very fast, I just like this sport ) and then with 30 feet to go I see him running behind me. I passed him and he didn't like that so I got faster and he got faster and we both ran hard and we finished together held hands and cried...because at that exact moment we were both thinking how lucky we were to have each other and it was just good life stuff...To top it off the photographer got a picture...Hello how happy am I. All I can think about is our time was great 2hours and1 minute and we did it together and once again San Diego had perfect weather.not to hot..I am an average runner who trains and loves the sport and it has changed me. It helps me be imperfectly okay...and that's perfect..Have a great Monday
off to run
Saturday, August 15, 2009
The Bib Situation..
What I learned about going to pick up your bib at the sport expo...Well as for me I try to get there early and just go in and get my number and then walk around the expo one time and go home...but when you take little boys that all changes...I took Christopher and Isabella and the our little neighbor...Well we walked in and they ran away yelling wow dude this is so everything..I smiled at everyone and asked rounded them up and led them to the bib area...Isabella proceeds to tell the ladie my mommy is going to win and she needs her number please...Yup ..That was cute..Then as soon as I looked away from the boys for a second they were gone again...I found then near the door handing out someones business cards..What the heck little dudes...I ask them what are you doing...Mom this guy told us if we hand out all his cards for 15 minutes he will give us free swag....what guy I ask....The guy at the chocolate counter....great...
Isabella and I walked around a little waiting for the little men to finish there job....They did and they got really killer electricity headbands...pretty cool...okay I said lets go get my shirt ...We start walking over to that area and now lots of vendors are handing out juice and power bars and jelly and peanut butter etc.etc.. This guy with a camera walks up to my little people and asked them if they would pose eating diet jelly....Do we get free jelly they ask? Yes you do now Isabella and I are walking to the jelly counter Schmuck er Jelly...Yup we were there for a good while and yes they ate and ate jelly happily posing.. but they did get 8 jars of jelly...all they can say is wow look at all this jelly...
On we go. now I have two little boys with electricity headbands and jelly jars in there mouth..sucking all the jelly out...(sugar free)
but still...I go get in line with my little people and proceed to get the shirt...Then all three kids sit down to wait for me when this guy asked them if they wanted there legs rolled....That's when they take the this stick and massage or roll your legs..its really good for runners..really funny for little kids...My kids were laughing so much the photographer from the expo came over and took pictures of them...It was pretty funny....
Finally we are on our way out...I am for some weird reason tired...Christopher tells that was great can we come next time too....I said yes because that was my most event full number pick up situation....ever..and man we got a-lot of free stuff..
Friday, August 14, 2009
A little bit of life stuff..
Sometimes all the little bit of life stuff can seem like a whole lot of stuff...Its crazy how many blogs I read that say that this month is just funky sad or how we cant find our mojo..It might be that its the end of summer and most of our kids have been home for a long time , or maybe we all just feel kinda off...I think when kids go back to school it really helps us get back on schedule and having a whole family schedule really helps everyone. This summer has been somewhat crazy for me..I am adjusting to all the change but what I am finding during this is a couple things that have really helped me.I thought I would share them with you..
#1. Exercises
#2. Holding someones hand...(kids hands count)
#3. Make some future myself something to look forward to is huge for me...sign up for a class that's a month away..make a lunch date w your friend two weeks from now..
#4. Wear a cool color you black...if you feel down grab something bright in your helps
#5. Send a Thank You card to a friend or a love letter tell that special person you care
#6. Let yourself dream...dream big...after all its your dream
#7. Give yourself permission to have a sad day...but then move on and take a shower dress cute and go outside..
#8. Music Music Music
#9. Having a place to hang with your friends(the pinkpineapple) thats my place...
#10.Telling yourself that its okay and that you are worth so much.
Loving Yourself...
Well, that's it..
I will tell you all about my AFC experience tomorrow...Whats that its Americas Finest City half Marathon that's this Sunday and that I have bombed the last two years because its so HHHHOOOTTTT. Well, its this Sunday and I am going to run it with my dad...I am going to try so hard to do it under 2 hours...okay I am of to the expo to pick up my bib #...
Thank You for all the sweet comments about my blog...They made me really here I am moving forward...
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Pink Ninjas have the new inspiration up....
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Its all in how we see it
I heard this story today...There was an old lady begging for money .She was sitting on the corner holding a sign that said blind please help....A man passed and saw that she only had two quarters in her cup...He stood and watched her and saw that no one stopped. He took her sign turned it over and wrote another message...He left and came back an hour later and her cup was almost full..He told her he was glad that things were looking up. She asked him what he wrote that made people stop and he said I wrote the seasons are changing and I cant see them....Please help...
Friday, August 7, 2009
I am sorry to say that someone ( I know who ) erased my entire blog..All my entries are gone...475 of them...I know ...I am sad...Some people are just mean and I wont waste any more time talking about that...(I hate mean people )...Well I am not going to stop blogging because it makes me so happy...I love it when I can put a little of myself out there..I love having a blog...I love writing about whatever I want too..Having this little blog has made me a better person...its true...
I will be starting over and I am going to have a really hard password this time too...Thank You to everyone who takes the time to read this little blog..I love that you do...more to come...not worry about me I will just pick up were I left off..
Thank You,
Thank You,
Gloria King
I will be starting over and I am going to have a really hard password this time too...Thank You to everyone who takes the time to read this little blog..I love that you do...more to come...not worry about me I will just pick up were I left off..
Thank You,
Thank You,
Gloria King