Ahhhh I want to wish you a very Happy New Year ! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. Thank you for the sweet messages that let me know you care and the words of encouragement. I have had a wonderful time this year watching my kids grow up and cooking lovely dinners for them. I have really found my love for reading books and I feel so grateful for my simple life at home. I am getting older but I seem to be OK with it now. I really can not put into word just how excited I am to welcome a whole new year. 2016 !!! baby
I always welcome the new year with my word for the year. A word I want to hug and welcome into my life. This year my word is HONEST. Fear has always kept me from just being honest but it is time for me to just speak my truth and let the rest go. If it does not serve me I do not need it. I am letting go and being honest with myself about it.
That is how I will choose to head into 2016 and I hope I learn grow and find more of me…
Happy New Years to you !!
Thursday, December 31, 2015
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Beautiful Quiet
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
Its the end of the year
Thursday, December 24, 2015
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 21, 2015
28 miles…Why yes please
Jazz Hands Peeps |
Monday, December 14, 2015
Malibu Canyon 50k race report
I really enjoyed myself. It was so pretty and as I was running it dawned on me that in 2010 I had run this course and failed. This is the same course as the Bull Dog 50k and because I failed (DNF) at this once I felt really good about how much better I did this time. I am telling you this never gets old. The picture is of Malibu Canyons and I could see the most insanely huge houses from the trail.
This part of the run was short but it felt very Patagonia. It looks warm in this picture but it was cool.
My shameless #runningselfie |
I made a new friend and it turns out we have run other races together but we never met.
I finished at 7hours and 15 minutes and 8th in my age group. They had aid stations every 5 to 8 miles and everyone was friendly. I filled up with water got some chips and I was golden.
My legs look so skinny in this picture. They are actually really big and buff (JK)…
Once again I had a wonderful time met new people and heard some great stories. The race director was really nice and friendly. If I could change anything it would to not drive home the night of he race and I wore the wrong shoes for sure. I love the mini adventures in my life that running theses races provides for me. Thank you for reading. G
Friday, December 11, 2015
50k Weekend Yay
Hi Peeps. So you know that feeling you have when you have not signed up for a race and the year is coming to an end so you want to just plan a quick end of the year thing because well you're a little nutty and you can't help yourself. That was me right before I found out I got into W.S. I have to be honest I also needed a little me time. Having a big family can sometimes get loud and I am not complaining just simply stating that I needed a just for me run. The other night I was on Ultra sign ups and there before me was a race and long story short I am running it tomorrow . The Malibu Canyon 50k I am going to spend the night at a friends house that lives close by and then go RUN. I am excited I have only run in Malibu once before when I ran the bull dog in 2011 my only DNF. I know this will be a much better experience because I am a different runner now. |
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Days of December
Saturday, December 5, 2015
Early morning runs and unexpected blessings
Friday, December 4, 2015
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Exploring with Jack
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So this place we visited was about 5 acres of old tractors. model cars and old engines from the 1920's. There where mechanic out there running the model T cars and it was really interesting. My dad wad in heaven and so was Jack. I guess one of my big lessons for 2015 has been to stop fighting it. I am choosing to accept all things that come my way. Choose Happy |
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Happy December
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Can you believe December is here ? I have heard that so many times and yes I can. I can see my children growing up right before my eyes. They are so much taller and mature. Jack is talking in full sentences and I have a couple more wrinkles and I feel this is exactly like it is supposed to be. My second chance and as time flies by I try and close my eyes as often as I can and take a deep breath and thank God. It feels right. I went to register my car yesterday and I tried to connect with the lady that was helping me. She was gathering all my paper work and I asked how her Thanksgiving was ? I put my phone away so I would not be tempted. I made eye contact and just like that we connected and that took over. She had lots she wanted to share with me and I loved her story about how her mom celebrated the Holidays.( I think she was about 60 ) She thanked me for asking and just like that I felt happier and I think she did too. She held my hand before I left and said have a nice day. I want to see the people that help me. The clerk at the store and the lady at triple AAA. I want to try and be really grateful for there services. I am going to practice that this month. I think most people want to be seen and everyone wants to be appreciated. I think its a great way to spread some Christmas cheer . So here we go into the last month of the year. |