When I started running with the Trail Crashers (the awesome group I train with ) I used to always arrive 5 minutes late. I know that's bad but I was really trying to be on time my problem was I was always getting lost. Where the hell is this mountain. That's what I would be yelling in the car !!!! I am much better at directions now. I started late yesterday but this time it was because I did not hear my alarm. I would rather miss my alarm then be late because I got lost. I was sad not to start with my friends but I knew I would see them soon. |
I started running up and they would be on there way back soon. It is so much easier to push yourself ( this is for me ) when my friends are pushing themselves. I took so many pictures on the first half on my run because I alone. I stopped way more then I should of but man it was so pretty out there. That's me saying HI !!! universe you are simply awesome. |
This is just so beautiful to me. It feels so magical and I feel like my swells up when I am out here.
I finally found my group and the PCT blessed us once again with its beauty. There was walkers ,hikers and runners out here. These are the images I imagine at 4:30 am when I my alarm goes of. This is what gets me out of bed.