Sunday, January 31, 2016
Thursday, January 28, 2016
A little bit of today
Wednesday, January 27, 2016
A sweet day for three
Tuesday, January 26, 2016
Monday, January 25, 2016
Sunday, January 24, 2016
A quick update
Friday, January 15, 2016
Ultra Ramblings on not giving up
It started getting dark so we finished up as fast as we could. So until next time challenging run. You might win but I will be dammed if I don't show up. |
An outside kind of day
I love these two. My dad and my youngest . Look at these smiles. |
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We walked for 3 miles all together. |
Saturday, January 9, 2016
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Training Stories and dreams that come true
Lake Cuyamaca
When you hear there is snow an hour away you get in the car and drive to it. When you see it is only a little bit of snow you smile because you really don't have snow clothes and a little bit of snow when your 2 is better than no snow if you ask me.
When I stood here taking this pictureI thought to myself this is mile 90 of the SD100. That felt really weird because at that time I was so tired and falling apart. I could see myself running or walking right where I stood. I had the best pacer who kept me going. ( Jeff H)
Its always twice as fun with a 2 year old. Everything takes twice as long and there curiosity is so good for perspective. We see a lake they see an ocean. Everything is new and bigger than life.
When I stood here taking this pictureI thought to myself this is mile 90 of the SD100. That felt really weird because at that time I was so tired and falling apart. I could see myself running or walking right where I stood. I had the best pacer who kept me going. ( Jeff H)
Its always twice as fun with a 2 year old. Everything takes twice as long and there curiosity is so good for perspective. We see a lake they see an ocean. Everything is new and bigger than life.
I am so glad we got outside and took the time to jus walk and look at everything slowly. Yes, it was cold and yes he threw a little temper tantrum but it was still so worth it. |
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Let's go outside !
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The excuses I used in the early morning so that I would not go out to run. It might rain. (it's raining ) Jack needs me I am tired I could always do it tomorrow The reasons I told myself my excuses are crap. I own a rain Jacket. Jack could stay home with Mike If I ran I would not be tired I could always do it today. Then there is what happened. I ended up running 2 miles with my puppy he was very happy. Then I brought him home and got 4 more miles in at this point its is still not raining. When I walk in the door Jack says me run too mommy.. so I put his shoes on and we go out for another two miles. Those where mostly walking and jumping in puddles but I am so glad I did not make excuses I got out with the dog and Jack and me. Everyone is happy. Lesson learned if I am making up an excuse not to run then I need to get outside and go for a run or walk. Why ?? because now I feel really good. #optoutside |
Tuesday, January 5, 2016
G's Gear Review
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I thought it would be cool to write a post about all the gear I use when I run. G's gear review :) There are so many awesome brands out there that are amazing that I thought I wold share what I use. Let me start by saying that I have been running for 12 years and that includes about 22 marathons and a bunch of different distance ultras. I am in no way fast I am a middle of the pack runner if your talking about 50 miles or less and a back of the pack runner for anything over 50 miles but I always finish happy for real. So the gear I use has to work well for a long ass time. My nutrition is something I am always working on. Today before a long run on the weekend I try and have a piece of toast with peanut butter on it and on my drive to the trail I eat half a banana. I used to drink coffee before long runs but I don't any more. First thing is my pack . The Nathan HPL #20 hydration vest I love my pack it is super durable and my first one lasted 4 years. It fits my body type well and I like the water spout. Cliff Energy Food I tried having a couple of these at my last 50k and they really helped my tummy. I felt like I ate something with out having to chew. It was easy to swallow while I ran and I will keep these in my bag for sure. Gu I keep coming back to GU every 55 minutes and it does the job for me. The trick is to get used to it practice with whatever nutrition you choose on your training runs and its super important to eat eat while your out there. Nutrition is everything. Tailwind This stuff is awesome. I use it but not all the time because I find after a while it makes me feel bloated but on really long runs I rather be bloated than tired so I drink it. It taste really good and they make it easy to pack because they sell really great little samples. Carbo Pro Hydra C5 I just bought some cargo pro I will let you know how it works for me. It is always nice to have options. The taste is really light I just need to use it. I think this friday I will try it out. Butt Balm This stuff has kept me from chaffing many many times. I won't go run with out it. The other thing I really like is that for 20$ you get a really big container so I do not have to worry about running out for a while. Nike Running Bra I like the price and it works really well for me. There seems to be the dreaded chaffing that goes on with any bra and I have that with this one too. After trying almost every bra out there this one is the one I keep using. It washes and dries easy and it very durable. North Face Running shorts I will eventually switch all my shorts to these. These are the first shorts that I find I can wear that are not compression shorts that I do not chaff in and they breath well. I run hot and these are great. I love the bright colors and you can usually find a great deal on them at the RACK. I find your selection is really good on line in the store its not nearly as good. I would definitely try these and for 20$ if you don't like them to run in you can just wear them around because there so cute on R Gear Dry max Socks. I feel like I am a sock junkie I do not have a favorite sock but if I had to pick it would be these in black heck white is fine too. I do love these socks and I treasure them. That means I always know where they are. I always have a new pair for race day and I flat dry them. Ok I guess I really like these socks. Altras Hokas Shoes are really personal but if your planning on putting on a-lot of miles I would recommend trying theses shoes out. Your feet will thank you. Garmin 310XT I really like this Garmin. It will last you years it has a really long battery life and its simple to use. I wish Garmin would do a better job with the website but for the price this is a great watch. Ultimate Direction Water Bottle I use mine all the time. I like this spout because its easy for me to drink when I run. Hydration is really important you need to drink water. Kiss my Face sun screen I should wear it way more than I do. I like this brand because it last and it does not hurt my eyes. I does not smell funny either. There you go my favorite gear I used in 2015 is all here. This is the stuff I could not run with out. I hope it helps . Have an awesome day and stay warm out there. |
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Its a healthy thing
The weather report said it is going rain for three days so just in case I got out the door as early as I could. That's how today's run began. I drove to the trails and went out for two hours. It was a beautiful morning and I am so glad I got out of the house and had my me time. Here is one of the things about getting out . When I go work out at the gym I totally get that angst about showing up. I know its going to be hard and I also know that I am going to be very sore the next day but after I show up I feel so good even if I can't sit down. I feel good about myself. Feeling good about yourself is just a HEALTHY thing. I know getting started can be hard but that should not stop you from going for it. If you don't start now then when ??? |
It is the beginning of a new year that makes it a perfect time to try something new. Why not ? It might feel like stepping off a cliff only to find solid ground beneath you. |
Saturday, January 2, 2016
Good News Saturday
Its the second day of the year. January of 2016 is in full swing. We had a short run this morning 10 miles. My girlfriend has a big race coming up. The San Diego 50 miler. I am so excited for her.
Can you tell ? She has done all the proper training and she is already a strong runner so I know she is going to have a great race. This is one of the perks that comes with running with awesome people . I feel like we are all on the same team. I feel so lucky that I have friends I get to show up for because they dare to dream big. That translates to when my friends run I go cheer them on.
Going into the new year one of the goals I have is to keep my zeal for life going. Life can get boring if you let it and I admit I love to dream but that is part of what keeps me happy. Running gives me time to dream and almost all my runs include time to dream. Clear my mind, let go of worries I just do not need to hold on too and my biggest thing is how incredibly grateful I feel for my life when I run. The distance does not matter and most of the time I do not know what my pace is but when I am done what I take with me is this Joy, gratitude and I get to feel good about myself because I got my work out in. Its a win win situation if you ask me.
Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you. Walt Whitman